Sunday, April 10, 2016

GMOs Part 2– What we know and what we don’t!

As was mentioned in last week’s post, “GMO” stands for “genetically modified organisms”.  For the purposes of this discussion, and as is referenced in food labeling, we are talking specifically about crops that have been genetically modified to resist herbicides and also to act as pesticides.  When an insect eats a GMO crop, it causes its intestines to rupture and the insect dies5.  This feature of course eliminates the need to spray pesticides and makes it a very effective at warding off insects.  The herbicide that GMOs have largely been created to resist is “Roundup” or “Glyphosate”, which we talked about in last week’s post1.   Glyphosate or Roundup (used interchangeably in the post) is sprayed on these GMO crops in relatively significant quantities to suppress the growth of weeds.  So, here is what we know: not all that much.  We know how exposure to glyphosate affects the health of animals, causing cancer, infertility, and birth defects1.  We know that direct ingestion of the chemical has the following side-effects on humans: mouth and throat pain, kidney and liver failure, trouble breathing, impaired consciousness, and more2.   We also know that most of the glyphosate that we ingest as a result of a GMO-filled diet is flushed out of our systems in the form of urine3.  But what about the glyphosate that isn't flushed out?  And what affect does it have as it is passing through our bodies?  These are things we don't know.  Well, keeping in mind the ramifications of GMO/glyphosate ingestion, what are the long-term effects on our health if most, if not all, of our food items contain some amount of glyphosate? If animal studies have suggested that they are linked to cancers, cause birth defects, and destroy our immune system, what is the effect on human health1?  Since these chemicals are fairly new to our diets, no long-term human studies exist.  As of yet, this is all of the information we have.  To wrap up, lets just briefly talk about the effect that glyphosate/GMOs have had on the environment since their introduction: Significant decline in the honeybee population3.  It is estimated that the US honey bee population has been reduced by approximately 30% to 50% as a result of these pesticides.  Honey bees are not only necessary in producing honey, but they pollinate all flowering plants – that includes plants that produce many of our foods, such as cherries, apples, potatoes, broccoli, strawberries, and many more.  Bees are absolutely necessary to our environment if we want to continue enjoying these foods.  Birds, butterflies, and other organisms are also perishing due to these chemicals3.  Be sure to come back next week for information on how glyphosate, through its use on GMO crops, could be related to a number of different illnesses that are now becoming more prevalent in our society.  Also visit our website ( and like us on Facebook ( for more information on natural and preventative medicine.  

1. Fleming, A. GMOs Part I: Hold the Glyphosate!

2.  Bradberry, S.M., Proudfoot, A.T., Vale, J.A.  Glyphosate poisoning.  Toxicology Review.  2004; 23(3) 159-67.


4.  Natural Health and Wellness Chiropractic, LLC.

5.  Naked Food Magazine. The Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition Approach to Disease Prevention and Reversal.

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